

隨著新冠疫情已受控,教會亦在穩步恢服和發展中。歡迎您回來參加主日早上10時正的粤語實體崇拜 (同步線上直播),同一時間亦有兒童主日學、及英語青少年查經班。成人的光鹽團契、青少年的歌珊團契、姊妹團契、社區外展福音聚會,和兒童舞蹈班亦都已回復實體聚會。多謝您在全球災病的年日,我們一同在上帝面前祈求守望。我們邀請您同來建造疫情後更健康,更具生命力的教會。




Dear Family in Christ,

Pray that you are safe and healthy.

With the covid-19 Pandemic now under control, our Cantonese Worship (with live-streaming), Children Sunday School, English Youth Bible Study are meeting at 10:00am on Sunday. Goshen Fellowship (youth), Light and Salt Fellowship (adults), Sisters’ Fellowship, Community Gospel Outreach, and Children Dance Class have returned to in-person. In the days of global disasters, we thank you for praying for the church. We look forward to full recovery and healthy development with your support and involvement.

Rev. Lo